January Newsletter

Happy 2016! We’re excited to be back at it and have some big plans for the new year. To celebrate here’s some of our favorite parts of 2015:

*ReadMe joined and graduated YC!
*Our team grew by two
*We launched a new dashboard design! This design makes it easier for you to keep your docs up to date with simple links to our most used features.
*We took a step toward the future with our beta Swagger import feature. Shoot us an email if you want to try it out!

What we’re excited for in 2016:

*Launching a bunch of the features you’ve been waiting for! (think: search, subnav, speed)
*An easy import feature
*Continuing to help you make your docs easy to use and b-e-a-utiful!

A few updates from the Owlfice:

*We updated our Terms of Service to make them much more user friendly!
*We’ll be changing our subscription prices. These won’t affect current projects, but if you’ve been waiting to start a new project, now would be the perfect time.
*We are hiring!

Thank you for using ReadMe. We feel incredibly lucky to have great users like you, let us know if there’s anything we can do to make your year even better!