At ReadMe, we believe building a great developer experience can be easy and accessible to everyone. We’ve spent years working with customers of all kinds to build beautiful API developer hubs that are thoughtfully composed, a delight to use, and integrated with developer metrics for a seamless experience. But not everyone needs a full developer hub right away. So, we want to offer people a simple plan to start out with, ReadMe Free.

API Reference Guides are the listing of endpoints and code samples. They're a small but important part of a full developer experience. We noticed a few open source tools out there that let you build reference sections, and were disappointed people were publishing reference guides without the cool features we offer—from auto-generated code snippets, to an interactive playground, to showing realtime API logs inline. So, we're making it so anyone can use our Reference Guides, free of charge!
You’ll be able to render Swagger/OAS files, write markdown for each endpoint, utilize search, and add your logo and colors. You'll also have access to our awesome support team, who can help get things set up properly. And as you grow your developer experience and are ready for everything ReadMe does, you’ll be able to upgrade your tooling using ReadMe rather than switching tools or building something from scratch.
To get started, sign up for ReadMe and upload your Swagger/OpenAPI Spec!
We're excited that anyone can now use ReadMe, regardless of budget.
Happy Documenting!